Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seriously 1/25

So on January 25th of this year I started p90x... now, I quit sometime in early January 26th, started again one day in February only to quit again and now today its MARCH 15th... Just 9 days before my p90x should be complete.

so, lets start this thing again and actually put in 90 days of fitness. Cause after all by June 15th, its will be just in time for Disney...

ps. I hope, I can get serious about this!


1 comment:

  1. Do it, Troy!
    It really helps if you have a partner to encourage you.
    I am in Week 6, but have skipped several days here and there (I was on vacation) and cheated on diet several times as well.
    BUT, I have lost 5 lbs, and feel much stronger, more flexible, and more durable.
