Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week One: Booze

Jeremy (Hoss) here: I weighed in last week at 206 or 207. This week I’m at 204. Two to three pounds is nothing. You can lose that in one day. Before I get to my real success for the week let me give you a little bit of background.

Troy called me up one night and said, “Man, we gotta lose weight by the time we go on our vacation to Disney in June. Are you with me?”

“Um… I don’t know man.” Thinking in the back of my brain that I really liked booze and burgers and sitting on my ass.

Troy, “Come on man. You’re fat, you drink too much and you’re lazy. At Christmas I was shocked by how big your gut is. You need to lose some weight.”

I thought for a few moments, looked down at my belly, thought about my fat gut rolling around as I jumped in the swimming pool and said, “Fine. I’m in.”

My first order of business, even before getting active with exercise, was to quit drinking. I knew that the booze was contributing to my stomach size and I had to quit this before anything else could start to take place. It was probably mental but that’s how I sized up my situation.

So, week one of no booze. "How’s it going?" you ask. Well, as far as drinking booze, it’s going great. I haven’t had a sip since last Tuesday evening when I killed off my bottle of Captain. Mentally, every evening around 5:30pm I crave it. I supplement the booze with hot tea. It works ok, but the tea has to be really strong, no sugar or cream. Strong, black tea.

I suppose this week I should have some great and lofty goal like, I don’t know, exercise? I went out and shoveled a bunch of snow today. Does that count? Troy wants me to start P90X so I guess that will be my goal this week. Either start P90X or hop on the treadmill (after I dust if off of course).

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you can knock off the booz. thanks for the posts and the encouragement. I gotta do better mentally. Umm, I am 215 this morning, let me know your weight and I will post it to the side, we dont have to do it every week but when we do weigh in we just need to do it on the same day to keep a good record. Let me know
